This is a story of a beautiful lady who got only a soul and no body. You may be thinking what nonsense I am talking about. Wait a minute. One day, more precisely the first day in the month of August, our lady invaded the soul of a young man who was sitting in darkness and thinking nothing. Suddenly he woke up to the thought of buying a stairway to heaven. He walked straight to the shop with pocket full of cash. When he got there he knows the shop is closed. There was a message on the wall. He saw the sky is falling down and the earth is going up. Heard drum beats in his chest and felt his spirit is crying for leaving. Our lady so kind whispered him on his ears that words have two meanings. He went to backdoor of the shop there he saw a crowd. He fought with crowd and bought his stairway. Our lady got a smile in her face. And the young man’s soul climbed the stairway to Heaven. He giggled, he hummed, he jumped, he rolled, he screamed and he vomited. He found his body is getting in to the shape of a snake. And the snake crawled in to the hole. The lady began to dance. Unlocked her long black lustrous hair and whirled that in the air. Somebody said its Mudiyattam. Somebody said its Sufi dance. But everybody gazed at her, enjoyed the way she danced. She started throwing off her dress one by one. The crowd forgot about themselves and lost in bliss. Followers followed her everywhere. Medical practitioners said she is an addiction and tried to invent medicine to kill her. But they failed. An old monk who had achieved his inner consciousness declared she is a deadly poison. Nobody listened him not even his followers. Missionaries have preached she is the reincarnation of Satan but she got more and more worshippers. Some religions banned her. There were many attempts to kill her. But she has triumphed with more energy and enthusiasm. She danced in the occasions of birth and death. She danced in marriages and also in divorces. She cheered them celebrating their victories and also supported them in failures. She became companion of their loneliness and a permanent attendee of all thier occasions. Our Lady frequented discotheques, pubs, nightclubs and bars. Followers followed her. Now she is known as the Queen of Happiness. And she is ruling the ever growing kingdom of Happiness.
Back in the darkness the Prince of Fate opened a green coloured bottle with the picture of Caesar on it started counting One, Two, Three, Four. The chorus hummed the same. One, Two, Three, Four. And it became a song that broke the silence of the night.
*(First day of every month bars and liquor shops are closed in Kerala by Govt. Order)
Keep up the good work!!!. Do Government think liquor shops are the cause of recession?????